oh, hello all! :)
have skipped PROKM (general orientation for the new student of ITB) for 2 days, i didn't feel too healthy and i didn't wanna risk my unhealthy leg and my own health. i really want to attend my first lecture at tuesday with super healthy body and mind :)
anyway, i'm gonna tell you about a fantastic contemporary music group that i saw on tuesday, at SSDK ITB 2009 (strategi sukses di kampus)
the name of the group is LUNGSURAN DAUR.
in the hands of a 58 years old named pak dodong and other musician, they create a music that made the whole auditorium gasped and cheered for encore. the group consists of Dodong Kodir, Yudi Setiadi (his younger brother), Rusli Gustaman, Rudi Rodek, Asep Tato, Ricky Biola, and Dedeng Buleng.
and their most attractive point were their instruments. pak dodong made the instruments from garbage and unused materials. that explained the name of the group, lungsuran daur can means "recycle" in english.
i read that he was a former stsi lecturer. he learns music by himself and for about 30 years he had done many experiments of making contemporary music instruments. using garbage, unused materials, and anything available around him. his instruments are mostly pentatonic (inspired by sundanese traditional music)
he also made instruments to create sound effect. inspired by the sound of the nature, he created so many unique instruments with unusual and magnificent sound. inspired by tornado winds at the states, he created instrument named tornadong (tornado wind+dong (his name))
also inspired by the tsunami that hit aceh back then in 2004, he created instrument named sagara, sagara means ocean.
he also created instrument from unbelievable and unthinkable garbage, he even made instrument from unused shaver and i once read that he made instrument from his wife's plastic bag that sounds like a fly!
he also creates instruments look like a modern instrument. one of the example is apedong. apedong stands for alat petik dodong (dodong's plucked instrument) apedong is similar with modern guitar. apedong was made from unused material of a crumpled bed and it brings sundanese laras slendro note. there is another example named bassdong (dodong's bass)
very creative, right?
i read at articles in the internet that mr.dodong and his group brings the theme of world music. and they have traveled abroad to have their music heard by all the people in the world. usually his music is collaborated with puppet show, monologue, poetry locally. but internationally, his masterpiece have been played at international folk music festival, even collaborated with orchestra playing classical pieces of mozart with his instrument named sulangsong (some kind of bamboo flute)and played piece named "La Flute Enchantee" which was organized with UNESCO in France in 2006
pak dodong's music is unlimited, he's not only playing traditional music, his instrument can also jazz, classical, pop, latin, melayu, country, and blues. he even make a masterpiece composition dedicated for Vidal Paz-his artist friend from spain- named "Kuntul Flamenco"
all the things about pak dodong inspires me so much. he said that youth must have awareness of the nature and environment protection.
the key is to be
like he said.his word really motivated me to practice and learn music better. and to be creative in making songs and creation with anything available :)
hope someday i will have the honor to play in one stage with you, sir :D
*actually pak dodong played also at dies natalis itb at june 2009, unfortunately he played at r-ict conference while we (me, mas syarif and mba z) played at biotechnology, fine arts and other conference.
we'll meet soon pak dodong :D